Thank you for your interest in contributing to! We welcome fresh perspectives and valuable insights to enrich our homeschooling community. To ensure your submission aligns with our values and goals, please carefully review the following conditions:
Content Guidelines:
- Relevance: All submissions must be directly related to homeschooling, unschooling, or alternative education. Topics can range from practical tips and curriculum recommendations to personal experiences and philosophical discussions.
- Originality: We only accept original content that has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
- Accuracy and Credibility: Provide accurate and well-researched information. Cite credible sources when necessary.
- Value and Insight: Offer unique perspectives, practical advice, or inspiring stories that can benefit our homeschooling audience.
- Positive and Encouraging: Maintain a positive and supportive tone that reflects our commitment to empowering homeschooling families.
- Length: Articles should generally range from 800 to 1500 words. However, we may consider shorter or longer pieces depending on the topic and depth of content.
Formatting and Submission:
- Format: Submit your article in a Word document or Google Doc.
- Images: If you include images, ensure they are high-resolution and that you have the right to use them. Provide proper attribution for any images that are not your own.
- Author Bio: Include a brief author bio (50-100 words) with your submission. You can include a link to your website or social media profiles.
- Submission: Email your article to us with the subject line “HopeHomeschoolConsulting Guest Post Submission.”
Review Process:
We carefully review all submissions and strive to respond within two weeks. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, grammar, and style. If your article is accepted, we will notify you of the publication date.
We do not currently offer monetary compensation for guest posts. However, you will receive author credit and exposure to our engaged homeschooling audience.
By submitting your article, you agree to the above conditions and grant us permission to publish your work on
We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions!
Note: These guidelines are subject to change. Please refer to the most recent version on our website.